To apply for health insurance, call (844) 796-2797 for an appointment with an insurance representative who will help you with the application form.
Mary’s Center’s certified staff will help determine your eligibility for Health Insurance Under the Affordable Care Act (ACA). If eligible, we can help you sign up for the most appropriate health plan during the special enrollment periods.
To apply for Medicaid or Medicare, call (844) 796-2797 for an appointment to see one of our Public Benefits Specialists, who will help you fill out the form. You must bring:
DC Residents
Learn more about Medicaid Renewal in DC or view this Q&A Medicaid Renewal in DC in Spanish [here].
To apply for DC Healthcare Alliance, a public insurance through the District of Columbia government, please [click here] for more information.
To apply for the Immigrant Children Program, please [click here] for more information.
If you are a Mary’s Center participant considering applying for health insurance, such as Medicaid, DC Alliance, QMB, Immigrant Children Program, or SNAP or TANF programs, apply for health insurance through the Bilingual Health Access Program (BHAP) by calling (844) 796-2797 for an appointment. NOTE: You must be a DC resident and Mary’s Center participant who does not qualify for health insurance under the ACA to qualify.
Maryland Residents
Learn more about Medicaid Renewal in Maryland or view this Q&A Medicaid Renewal in Maryland in Spanish version [here].
To apply for the Healthy Babies Equity Act, a Medicaid program for noncitizen pregnant individuals in Maryland of any immigration status that provides coverage during pregnancy and four months after birth visit [Maryland Health Connection].
Sliding Fee Discount Program
Mary’s Center offers a Sliding Fee Discount Program that applies uniformly to all patients. Assessment for sliding fee discount eligibility is based only on income and family size. Payments and visit costs are adjusted based on the ability to pay and can be found in Mary’s Center’s sliding fee scale / sistema escalonado de tarifas.
For more information about our social services, call the main line at (202) 483-8196.