If you are experiencing a medical emergency, please call 911.
If you need to contact a Mary’s Center clinician or staff member please click below for the appropriate phone numbers.
Appointment Line & General Phone Numbers
To make a medical, dental, or behavioral health appointment, call (844) 796-2797. Our appointment line operates from 6:30 am – 8:00 pm every day, including weekends and holidays.
If you are a current behavioral health participant and you need to speak with your Mary’s Center Behavioral Health provider directly, please call: DC: (202) 851-3671 | Maryland: (240) 839-3401
If you are calling from a hospital, medical office, or pharmacy regarding patient care, please call the triage nurse line at 202-745-3123.
If you are calling from a hospital, medical office, or pharmacy for medical records or a referral, please call the Administrative Line, follow the prompts for the Medical Department, and select the appropriate option.
After Hours Phone Numbers
If you are a current Mary’s Center participant and have a medical or dental concern and need to speak with a clinician, please call (202) 745-3123.
If you are a current Mary’s Center behavioral health participant and need to speak with a clinician, please call (202) 983-3253.
If you are not a Mary’s Center Behavioral Health participant and are experiencing a mental health crisis, please call 988.
This has moved to the Medical Records page. Click here.
SPEAK-UP & Report Line
We want you to feel comfortable in sharing any compliance or privacy concerns you may have. All matters are investigated thoroughly and promptly. Reports can be made by:
Writing us at Mary’s Center, Attn: Compliance Department, 2333 Ontario Rd, NW, Washington, DC 20009
This allows our participants to make a report 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. It also allows for situations where participants are not comfortable reporting through standard channels or prefer to report anonymously.
Feedback Form
Exceeding your expectations and providing high-quality care is our goal. To share feedback, please access the Feedback Form.